Springin’ around the office!

MLBPAA Intern Insider
2 min readMay 10, 2016



Spring is finally arriving in terms of weather, and it’s so beautiful right now. Grass is green, trees are full of color, and it’s beautiful! It’s hard to believe my time here is coming to an end, I feel as if I just wrote my first blog. Time flies when you’re having fun, right? This past weekend, I experienced something I hadn’t done yet: I was a part of an LFY Clinic I traveled with Devon to San Diego to attend the clinic that was held in conjunction with the Padres at Petco Park. It was so rewarding to be able to see first-hand, this event come to life. I knew the aspects that these clinics were made of, but being able to be there was very cool. Special Events is so intriguing to me and I’m thankful I was a part of at least one. The day pretty much went like this: Arrive at stadium, set up the stations on the field, greet the Alumni in attendance, begin the registration process for all the children, begin the clinic and for the next two hours, watch the kids enjoy being taught by these professionals. The Alumni were just as excited as the kids, which was also rewarding to see.

This week thus far, I have been working with Rachel in beginning organization of the Heart and Hustle Award media lists via Cision. I learned a new skill on Cision, which I’m thankful for, because in the Communications world, Cision is a very vital component. There are so many different tools to use on Cision, and learning new ones will definitely help me in my future.

Tata for now!


