MLB Social Media Sites #Hacked
MLBPAA Intern Insider
2 min readAug 3, 2012


Posted by: K.C. Kolarek

Derek Jeter missing the remainder of the season for a sexual reassignment surgery? The Washington Nationals are relocating to Montreal? Boy, Thursday was a pretty eventful day in baseball for many clubs…

More like Thursday proved a lesson to us all that in today’s day and age, social media should come with a ‘WARNING: Handle with Care’ sign. The vast majority of us all, rely upon social media for the latest headlines and sources for information. In the workplace, it’s used as a primary tool for organizations to engage with fans and communicate with them the latest and greatest information related to their company. Well that’s fine and dandy when the information is accurate and truthful, but it can be more along the lines of disastrous and damaging when the information is false. This was the case for the N.Y. Yankees, and eight other baseball organizations, when let’s say — colorful, tweets were sent out to their 5.9 million fans on Facebook.

Evidently, a not-so-happy employee of the Major League Baseball Advanced Media is responsible for the bizarre postings on the social media site; of which they have access to all 30 MLB teams’ social media pages. Lesson here: social media is immediate and permanent. Even if the postings are removed, 6 million+ followers already saw it before you removed it.

With great power comes great responsibility? Clearly, superheros aren’t the only ones who carry that load…

Full story on the incident can be found here:

